terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2011

Contribute code to an Ubuntu defect with Launchpad and bzr in the RIGHT way

I am writing this post because I had to read some manuals and (wrongly) send a patch email to a mailing list to learn how to actually be able to contribute with code to an Ubuntu package. If you need detailed information, please google some official documentation. But if you just want to start coding, this is your place, here you'll find the cake recipe to do it.
  1. Sign up to a Launchpad account.
    1. The only really needed information is your username and your ssh key
  2. Choose a project. Ensemble, for example.
  3. Download the source code:
    1. mkdir ensemble
    2. cd ensemble
    3. bzr init
    4. bzr branch lp:ensemble master
    5. bzr branch master bug-whatever
    6. cd bug-whatever
    7. CODE! Those bugs won't get fixed itself!
    8. bzr commit #goto step 6, if needed
    9. bzr push
  4. Make your branch public
  5. Make a merge proposal
  6. Done!
Now go for it!

[update] another interesting documentation shared by rsalveti today: Ubuntu Packaging Guide

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