sexta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2018

QEMU Sandboxing for dummies

DevConf is an annual conference that takes place in Brno, Czech Republic. This year I applied for a talk to go over my work that I develop since mid 2012: Security on QEMU/KVM Virtual Machines using SECCOMP. Since then I became the maintainer of this feature on QEMU and released the second and better version not long ago. On this post you'll find the slides and the full video of the presentation.

So here we go, very first experience lecturing in English, what a catastrophe! In my defense the audience was very peculiar, not only the guy that very started libseccomp was there, but my manager and the director of the department as well. Anxiety apart, I think it was an outstanding experience, would do it again in the future. :-)

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